Bugs in HundredRabbits Pascal files


There are a number of bugs in the files on https://git.sr.ht/~rabbits/macintosh-cookbook/tree/master and hundredrabbits/Macintosh-Cookbook.

You can’t post any issues to Github, under the repo, as it is (now) read-only

Continue reading Bugs in HundredRabbits Pascal files

Errata – Programmers Guide to MPW (1990)


Programmers Guide to MPW (1990) is a pretty embarrassingly badly written book. Overly repetitive, it is so boring. In addition, it is littered with numerous typos, incorrect factual errors and downright lies! It clearly wasn’t proof read at all…

I’m quite glad that I stole my copy of the book and didn’t hand over any hard-earned cash for it.

After completing it, I realised that I had learnt absolutely nothing at all.

Continue reading Errata – Programmers Guide to MPW (1990)