PowerSwitch Tail

PowerSwitch Tail for 240V/UK


Again from Building Wireless Sensor Networks, a project makes use of the PowerSwitch Tail to control a mains lamp, using a TTL signal.

PowerSwitch Tail II
PowerSwitch Tail II

However this is only designed for 120V (US).


The main thing to bear in mind is that the device will be controlling mains devices, up to 13A, and that as it is a remotely controlled device, that means that you will probably be using it when you are a long way from home, and as such, you will not be able to manually deal with any electrical issues, such as sparking, overheating and cut outs, as so you will want it to be as safe and reliable as possible. You don’t want to come home to a burnt out shell, now do you?

Options available for the UK market

So, what options exist for the UK, using the 240V mains?

  • Well there is a PowerSwitch IIU-240V kit, but you have to wire up the cables yourself. Sure, it is not difficult, but then again, it won’t have a BS kite mark, now will it? 🙂
  • Chinese naked circuits/modules off eBay – likely to catch fire. Plus, they seem to be capable of only handling 1A – 2A loads, which is insufficient. There are also, earthing, or a lack thereof, considerations. An example of such a module is the 5V 1 Channel SSR G3MB-202P Solid State Relay Module With Resistive Fuse 240V 2A, for £1.84
Solid State Relay Module with Resistive Fuse 240V 2A.JPG
Solid State Relay Module with Resistive Fuse 240V 2A.JPG

There is the 1/2/3/4 Channel 5V LED Relay Module Raspberry Pi Arduino electric imp 240V 230V, for £3.00, which uses the ubiquitous 10A relay.

1 Channel 240V 10A Relay
1 Channel 240V 10A Relay
Pi-mote remote controlled socket
Pi-mote remote controlled socket
Pi-mote controller board
Pi-mote controller board



European Wiring Inside a PowerSwitch Tail II
European Wiring Inside a PowerSwitch Tail II

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