Making your own ArduinoBoy


Following on from ArduinoBoys and others and Scaling PDF for PCB, here’s a step by step guide to making Trash80’s ArduinoBoy, on a PCB. For a photographic guide, see ArduinoBoy build.

Obviously, you don’t have to use a PCB and you could make the ArduinoBoy using stripboard/veroboard, ProtoShield, or even on a breadboard… see at the bottom for a suggested layouts.

BTW, I assume Trash80’s moniker is a nod to the Radio Shack TRS-80?

Continue reading Making your own ArduinoBoy



Everyone is talking about Chiptunes these days, the retro sound obtained from the games devices, and home computers of the 80s:

Featured image courtesy of Button Masher T.O.

Continue reading Chiptunes