Opera and Mountain Lion


Following on from The fat lady sings…

I have Opera 36.0.2130.65, and it keeps on updating to 42.0.2393.137, so if I close it, it will then refuse to run, as 42.0.2393.137 is incompatible with Mountain Lion. So I then have to reinstall a fresh version.

How can you stop it from updating..?

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For Mountain Lion the last supported version is Opera 37.0.2178.5.

In a terminal, navigate to the contents of the Opera application package:

cd /Applications/Opera.app/Contents/MacOS

If you then run ls you should see the binary responsible for the automatic updating, opera_autoupdate.

The solution is to stop the opera_autoupdate binary, by renaming, or deleting, it:

mv /Applications/Opera.app/Contents/MacOS/opera_autoupdate /Applications/Opera.app/Contents/MacOS/opera_autoupdate.bak


rm /Applications/Opera.app/Contents/MacOS/opera_autoupdate

Of course you could just right-click on the Opera application, select Show Package Contents and navigate to Contents:MacOS and there you can rename or delete opera_autoupdate. Note that you might have to do this after having opened it for the first time and OS X has verified the downloaded (newly copied over) binary, otherwise you’ll end up with a dialog stating that Opera is corrupted and that it should be moved to the trash.

Alternatively, from this post on Is there an available version of Opera for OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks)? 

 defaults write com.operasoftware.Opera OPDisableAutoUpdate true

This is the end, my friend


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