Converting bin/cue files to ISO or CDR or TOAST format


I managed to get hold of a CD image (via Torrent) of Kodak EasyShare (v8.0 Windows, v. 6.1 Macintosh), which is a version that isn’t on the Macintosh repository (MR: Kodak) . Unfortunately, it is in a BIN/CUE format and the Macintosh Repository prefers CDR, TOAST or ISO, see Preferred Formats for Software Preservation.

Also, I am not sure whether it is for OS X or vintage Macintosh, as the PB description is a bit confusing.

See also

  • blah



I’m not sure sure that this, Mounting cue/bin files, will help.

DiskUtility, at least on Catalina, doesn’t work, and hasn’t worked since, at least, Disk Utility 15.0 (1511.3).

Convert bin/cue image to iso format on OS X? seems to be more useful, regarding bchunk (also from this answer and this answer).

$ brew install bchunk
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> make
/usr/local/Cellar/bchunk/1.2.0: 5 files, 56K, built in 2 seconds
Avatars-MBP:~ avatar$ bchunk a.bin a.cue test

That say, there are some examples of bin/cue files on MacintoshRepository, such as System Shock.

This is the end, my friend

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